Getting Flux

If you are running on a non-LC cluster or system and Flux is not already installed, there are a couple of ways to easily install a local copy that you can use to launch work in an allocation from whatever resource management software is running on your system. These are described in detail on the Flux readthedocs page. Briefly, they are:

  1. Spack: Flux is available as a Spack package. Once Spack is installed on your system, you can run spack install flux-sched to install a local copy of Flux.
  2. Docker: For single-node deployments of Flux, you can download and run a flux-sched Docker image from DockerHub with docker run -ti fluxrm/flux-sched:latest.
  3. Manual: If you are looking to contribute to Flux, or just like building things from source, you can clone Flux directly from GitHub. You’ll need to clone and build both the flux-core and flux-sched components with git clone and git clone You can then cd into each directory and build with:
    $ ./ && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
    $ make -j 8

    You may then check on your build with make check and install it in whatever directory you specified with --prefix by running make install.

Section 6 | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2
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