Exercise 1: Starting Flux

  1. Run flux resource list to determine if Flux is already running on your system.
  2. If flux is running on the system, use flux alloc to get a two node allocation. If flux is not running on the system, use allocation commands appropriate to that system to get a two node allocation and start Flux with flux start.
  3. Use flux resource list to query the state of the resources in your allocation.

Notes / Solutions

  1. If Flux is not running flux resource list will error out with:
    flux-resource: ERROR: [Errno 2] Unable to connect to Flux: ENOENT: No such file or directory
  2. See “Starting Flux” in Section 1.
  3. See “Showing the resources in your Flux allocation” in Section 1.

Introduction | Section 1 | Exercise 1 | Section 2
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